About Us
Farakka Barrage is located in Murshidabad and Malda districts of West Bengal at about 300 km North of Kolkata. It is one of the largest barrage of its kind in the country having a Feeder Canal for a flow of 40000 cusec (1135 cumec) whose bed width is wider than that of Suez Canal. The Feeder Canal originates in upstream at Right Bank of Farakka Barrage and outfalls into the Bhagirathi, right channel of the river Ganga at 40 km downstream of Farakka Barrage.
The Farakka Barrage Project has been assigned with the execution, operation & maintenance of the following principal components of the Project and other works:-
- A 2245 metre long Barrage across the river Ganga with rail-cum-road bridge, necessary river training works and a Head Regulator on the right side bank.
- A 213 metre long Barrage across the river Bhagirathi at Jangipur and Navigation Lock beside it.
- Feeder Canal of 40,000 cusec (1135 cumec) carrying capacity and 38.38 km long, taking off from the Head Regulator on the right bank of the Farakka Barrage.
- Navigation works such as locks, lock channels, shelter basins, control towers, navigation lights and other infrastructure.
- 33.79 Km. long Left Afflux Bund of Farakka Barrage and 16.31 Km. long Left Afflux Bund of Jangipur Barrage.
- Two road-cum-rail bridges and two road bridges across the Feeder Canal.
- A number of Regulators at different locations in both Murshidabad and Malda Districts of West Bengal.
- Bagmari Syphon at RD 48.0 of the Feeder Canal.
- Anti-erosion protection work in the extended jurisdiction of Farakka Barrage Project i.e. from Rajmahal including Diara in the upstream (40 Km from the Farakka Barrage) and upto Jalangi in the downstream (80 km from the Farakka Barrage).
The content is owned by Farakka Barrage Project, Post Office: Farakka Barrage, District: Murshidabad 742212 West-Bengal
Design and Developed By eZeon TechnoSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Hosted by National Informatics Centre(NIC)
Design and Developed By eZeon TechnoSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Hosted by National Informatics Centre(NIC)