Farakka Barrage Project


Sr. No. Details Date
1. Filling up of 19 (nineteen) posts of Assistant in Farakka Barrage Project, a subordinate office under MoJS, DoW& RD & GR on Deputation (including short term contract) basis 30/10/2024
2. Filling up of 01 (one) post of section officer in Farakka Barrage Project, a subordinate office under MoJS, DowR, RD & GR on Deputation (lncluding Short Term Contract) basis 30/09/2024
3. Addendum : Press Notification regarding engagement of Contractual Teachers in FBPHS School Academic session 2021 20/10/2020
4. Press Notification regarding engagement of Contractual Teachers in FBPHS School Academic session 2021. 13/10/2020
5. Notice regarding engagement of 25 nos. contractual teachers in Farakka Barrage Project Higher Secondary (FBPHS) School, Farakka, Murshidabad. 25/09/2019
6. Admit Certificate for engagement of 17 Consultant in FBP. 11/03/2019
7. Publication of advertisement for engagement of seventeen (17) post of Consultant under General Administration in Farakka Barrage Project (FBP) on contractual basis. 26/10/2018
8. Posts of Stenographer 11/09/2017
9. Filling up of one post of Senior Administrative Officer in Farakka Barrage Project, a sub-ordinate office under Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation on deputation basis.
Note : Last Date - 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement.
10. Application are invited from the suitable and eligible candidates for filling up one post of Health Visitor (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted) in Farakka Barrage Project. 19/06/2017
11. Gynecologist & X-Ray Assistant. 16/06/2017

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